LLFJB Family Justice Day – 28th October 2016
Bookings have opened!
The theme is ‘Perspectives and Assessment of Risk’ and the keynote speaker is Leicester’s very own Will Tyler Q.C. speaking on radicalisation. Please find the poster attached.
Plenary speakers are Professor Jane Barlow on Health Policy in pre-birth and early years, and Pause, a London based charity who focus on programmes to break the cycle of repeated removals.
Please remember to chose two workshops when booking. Here is the booking form.
The day starts with registration from 8.45am and will conclude by 4.30pm. It is worth 6 CPD and tickets are £100 for lawyers and £40 for social care professionals. Programme and workshops attached.
We value your feedback. Please complete the feedback form and return to Louise, below.
Please contact Louise at family@leicester.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk to book.